Our New Outdoor Space
Eden has a New Home and Several New Collaborations!
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
Eden Products, together with City Center Charter School, and Holy Name Catholic Church are collaborating on a garden project. Our new space at Holy Name Parish Center, 1125 Neal St, SE (close to Gallaudet), will allow us to expand our creativity for Eden Products and provide fresh produce for those in need.
Many of our clients have expressed an interest in eating heathier. It seems that when people get healthy in one area of life, they tend to want to get healthier in other areas as well. Many cannot afford fresh produce because of unemployment or working at a low-wage job. Our new garden will provide our clients with some of the tasty, home-grown veggies they desire and need.
The most exciting aspect of this new space is a garden that was designed and developed by the National Arboretum but has since fallen by the wayside. We are uniting with our new partners at City Center Charter School and Holy Name Catholic Church to expand the garden for the benefit of our respective communities. We are looking for master gardeners and experienced gardeners to help us along the way.
Watch for fun events and garden therapy - coming soon!
We are looking forward to growing our own herbs, guaranteeing that many of the herbal ingredients used in our Eden Products lines are sustainably sourced.
How you can help….
From now until fall, 2024 planting, we’ll be preparing the soil by sheet mulching, weeding and other tasks. We need volunteers to help not only with the physical work, but in providing brown and green composting materials. Will you help us? Click here to register your interest in helping.
Other Garden Needs:
Master Gardeners and herbalists
to create a garden plan
to guide us in preparing the soil (beginning April, 2024 – up to 3 hours a week)
to offer workshops in areas of interest for community members
Kitchen Needs:
The new location provides Eden with a full kitchen area and a classroom. Both need complete renovation. There’s a lot of work to do over the next couple months and we are eager to get started. Click here to fill out Volunteer Time form.
Workdays will be announced soon. If you would like to donate towards our renovations, please fill out this form.

Work Needs
Install New Floors
Install Cabinets/Countertop
General Assistance
Cash or Product Donations
New appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher, sink, stove, ovens, microwaves)
Lower cabinets & countertops
Upper open shelves
Stackable Washer/Dryer